Replica Prada calf leather shoulder bag 1BD102 dark blue Tl6551Ac56

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With the improvement of technology and machinery in watch crafting, Prada Handbags are mirroring meticulously to meet the different inclinations for elegant Prada. Excellent Replica Prada Handbags are good value for money. Prada Handbags Replica prides itself on being unique and edgy, while also remaining classic and romantic to manufacture each product all the time.

Replica Prada calf leather shoulder bag 1BD102 dark blue Tl6551Ac56


 Calf leather

Detachable leather shoulder strap
Detachable multicolored fabric shoulder strap
Metal lettering logo
Magnetic button closure—Three inside compartments and a zipper pocket
Prada logo lining
14 cm Height
5 cm Length
20 cm Width
Replica Prada Bag comes with:serial numbers, care booklet, dust bag, Card, tag.

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